Friday, March 13, 2009


Yet another great great tip that came across Twitter. OmniDazzle... Looks like a way to spice up presentations, and now it's a free download. Reasons from the website for why to try OmniDazzle:
"1. You've got a presentation this week, and you want to hear both "oohs" AND "ahhs" from the audience.
2. Your documentation could use some really great screen shots.
3. You want to point out something on your screen, without actually pointing."
Looks like it's definitely worth exploring to add pizzaz to presentations.

Here is a student generated Jing exploring the use of Omnidazzle. Remember, this is from a student's perspective, and they couldn't understand the value of some of the features or just didn't like others, but I think you'll get the gist of how the program works based on their presentation of the tool:

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