Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Holy Twitter App, Batman!

If you're a Twitter junkie and have time on your hands for this, get ready, because there are a load of apps you can download from this wiki! I'm not sure what some of them even mean, do, or should do, but I'm just impressed with the sheer volume of different apps available for Twitter.

I fall into the category of "Like what I have, can't take on more". Perhaps some of these apps are worth downloading, and I'd love for someone to tell me what I should be using other than my Tweetdeck. So go ahead... try them, use them, love them, and I'll trust your word and try myself. But, in the meantime, I'm good. Safe. Just my Tweetdeck and me.

Online Resources

This whole blog focuses on the concept of giving teachers resources to use to help integrate technology into their classrooms. This is an interesting article with some tips about how to search sources and which ones are the best to use. It's worth the read.

Here are a few tips from Ed Week & their article Hunting the Internet for Quality Content:

1. Find social networks that allow you to consult with colleagues in your district, state, and across the country.
2. Search portals specifically geared to teachers that include links to curriculum materials and downloadable lessons, worksheets, and multimedia resources."

To read more, go to the article.