Wednesday, November 28, 2007


The American Heritage Dictionary defines inspiration as:
1a. Stimulation of the mind or emotions to a high level of feeling or activity.

As well, The American Heritage Dictionary defines action as:
1. The state or process of acting or doing.

How do inspiration and action correlate? Through time. And turning inspiration into action requires time. And for someone like me, I need to have a fire lit under me to truly explode that inspiration into action. Creating this blog has been on my mind for years. However, being a mom & wife, getting a Master's Degree, having a full time teaching job, and just plain attempting to have a real life with my family have all taken up, well, a lot of time. So, short story made long, this - the idea of an actual blog for any of the classes I teach - got set on the back burner. Like many, I came up with a million reasons why doing something like this could get done tomorrow.

I attended the Christa McAuliffe Technology Conference this week, and it was the inspiration that forced me into action. I took a hands on conference that required me to create a blog. The presenter, Sharon Betts, who by the way rocks out loud in my opinion, wouldn't let us go without creating a blog. I interally growled at this at first, but thank her for lighting that fire under me. I needed it. So, here begins the journey...stay tuned!